The Trustees

The Clifton upon Teme Village Hall Trustees meet at the village hall approximatley every 4 – 6 weeks.

David Symons, Andy Arnold, Dot Millward, Ed Winnington, Philip Craven, David Roberts

Mandy Henry
Chair & bookings

01886 812238
07765 460249

Richard Newman
Vice Chair

01886 812969
07957 327345

Tony Wilson

01886 853574

Ruth Wilson
Minutes Secretary

01886 853574

If you would like to support your community by being a Trustee of Clifton upon Teme Village Hall please contact
Mandy Henry on 01886 812238 for more information.

Roles and Responsibilities of Trustees of Clifton upon Teme Village Hall


To work as a member of the team of trustees to ensure the proper operation and organisation of
Clifton upon Teme Village Hall.


To ensure that the organisation is financially viable and receives regular financial reports and forecasts from the Treasurer

To ensure that the hall complies with all relevant legislation, including Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities and Employment law (as applicable)

To ensure all proper procedures and policies are in place with regard to volunteers, finances, management and administration.


Where Trustees are representatives of other village groups, to ensure that the groups are kept informed of developments at the hall and keep the hall committee informed of the needs and views of their groups

To lend support towards fundraising for the hall

To encourage the use of the hall by local residents

To develop new users of the hall

To support the running of the hall as necessary.